Router - Load Balancing
LiteLLM manages:
- Load-balance across multiple deployments (e.g. Azure/OpenAI)
- Prioritizing important requests to ensure they don't fail (i.e. Queueing)
- Basic reliability logic - cooldowns, fallbacks, timeouts and retries (fixed + exponential backoff) across multiple deployments/providers.
In production, litellm supports using Redis as a way to track cooldown server and usage (managing tpm/rpm limits).
If you want a server to load balance across different LLM APIs, use our LiteLLM Proxy Server
Load Balancing
(s/o @paulpierre and sweep proxy for their contributions to this implementation) See Code
Quick Start
Loadbalance across multiple azure/bedrock/provider deployments. LiteLLM will handle retrying in different regions if a call fails.
from litellm import Router
model_list = [{ # list of model deployments
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # model alias -> loadbalance between models with same `model_name`
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2", # actual model name
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE")
}, {
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-functioncalling",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE")
}, {
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
}, {
"model_name": "gpt-4",
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/gpt-4",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
}, {
"model_name": "gpt-4",
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "gpt-4",
"api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
router = Router(model_list=model_list)
# openai.ChatCompletion.create replacement
# requests with model="gpt-3.5-turbo" will pick a deployment where model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo"
response = await router.acompletion(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}])
# openai.ChatCompletion.create replacement
# requests with model="gpt-4" will pick a deployment where model_name="gpt-4"
response = await router.acompletion(model="gpt-4",
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}])
See detailed proxy loadbalancing/fallback docs here
- Setup model_list with multiple deployments
- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: azure/<your-deployment-name>
api_base: <your-azure-endpoint>
api_key: <your-azure-api-key>
- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: azure/gpt-turbo-small-ca
api_key: <your-azure-api-key>
- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: azure/gpt-turbo-large
api_key: <your-azure-api-key>
- Start proxy
litellm --config /path/to/config.yaml
- Test it!
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer sk-1234' \
-d '{
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [
{"role": "user", "content": "Hi there!"}
"mock_testing_rate_limit_error": true
Available Endpoints
- chat completions endpoint to call 100+ LLMsrouter.acompletion()
- async chat completion callsrouter.embedding()
- embedding endpoint for Azure, OpenAI, Huggingface endpointsrouter.aembedding()
- async embeddings callsrouter.text_completion()
- completion calls in the old OpenAI/v1/completions
endpoint formatrouter.atext_completion()
- async text completion callsrouter.image_generation()
- completion calls in OpenAI/v1/images/generations
endpoint formatrouter.aimage_generation()
- async image generation calls
Advanced - Routing Strategies ⭐️
Routing Strategies - Weighted Pick, Rate Limit Aware, Least Busy, Latency Based, Cost Based
Router provides 4 strategies for routing your calls across multiple deployments:
- Rate-Limit Aware v2 (ASYNC)
- Latency-Based
- (Default) Weighted Pick (Async)
- Rate-Limit Aware
- Least-Busy
- Custom Routing Strategy
- Lowest Cost Routing (Async)
🎉 NEW This is an async implementation of usage-based-routing.
Filters out deployment if tpm/rpm limit exceeded - If you pass in the deployment's tpm/rpm limits.
Routes to deployment with lowest TPM usage for that minute.
In production, we use Redis to track usage (TPM/RPM) across multiple deployments. This implementation uses async redis calls (redis.incr and redis.mget).
For Azure, you get 6 RPM per 1000 TPM
- sdk
- proxy
from litellm import Router
model_list = [{ # list of model deployments
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # model alias
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2", # actual model name
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE")
"tpm": 100000,
"rpm": 10000,
}, {
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-functioncalling",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE")
"tpm": 100000,
"rpm": 1000,
}, {
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
"tpm": 100000,
"rpm": 1000,
router = Router(model_list=model_list,
routing_strategy="usage-based-routing-v2" # 👈 KEY CHANGE
enable_pre_call_checks=True, # enables router rate limits for concurrent calls
response = await router.acompletion(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}]
1. Set strategy in config
- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo # model alias
litellm_params: # params for litellm completion/embedding call
model: azure/chatgpt-v-2 # actual model name
api_key: os.environ/AZURE_API_KEY
api_version: os.environ/AZURE_API_VERSION
api_base: os.environ/AZURE_API_BASE
tpm: 100000
rpm: 10000
- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
litellm_params: # params for litellm completion/embedding call
model: gpt-3.5-turbo
api_key: os.getenv(OPENAI_API_KEY)
tpm: 100000
rpm: 1000
routing_strategy: usage-based-routing-v2 # 👈 KEY CHANGE
redis_host: <your-redis-host>
redis_password: <your-redis-password>
redis_port: <your-redis-port>
enable_pre_call_check: true
master_key: sk-1234
2. Start proxy
litellm --config /path/to/config.yaml
3. Test it!
curl --location 'http://localhost:4000/v1/chat/completions' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer sk-1234' \
--data '{
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}]
Picks the deployment with the lowest response time.
It caches, and updates the response times for deployments based on when a request was sent and received from a deployment.
from litellm import Router
import asyncio
model_list = [{ ... }]
# init router
router = Router(model_list=model_list,
routing_strategy="latency-based-routing",# 👈 set routing strategy
enable_pre_call_check=True, # enables router rate limits for concurrent calls
## CALL 1+2
tasks = []
response = None
final_response = None
for _ in range(2):
tasks.append(router.acompletion(model=model, messages=messages))
response = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
if response is not None:
## CALL 3
await asyncio.sleep(1) # let the cache update happen
picked_deployment = router.lowestlatency_logger.get_available_deployments(
model_group=model, healthy_deployments=router.healthy_deployments
final_response = await router.acompletion(model=model, messages=messages)
print(f"min deployment id: {picked_deployment}")
print(f"model id: {final_response._hidden_params['model_id']}")
assert (
== picked_deployment["model_info"]["id"]
Set Time Window
Set time window for how far back to consider when averaging latency for a deployment.
In Router
router = Router(..., routing_strategy_args={"ttl": 10})
In Proxy
routing_strategy_args: {"ttl": 10}
Set Lowest Latency Buffer
Set a buffer within which deployments are candidates for making calls to.
if you have 5 deployments 0.07s 0.1s 0.1s 0.1s 4.66s
to prevent initially overloading prod-1
, with all requests - we can set a buffer of 50%, to consider deployments prod-2, prod-3, prod-4
In Router
router = Router(..., routing_strategy_args={"lowest_latency_buffer": 0.5})
In Proxy
routing_strategy_args: {"lowest_latency_buffer": 0.5}
Default Picks a deployment based on the provided Requests per minute (rpm) or Tokens per minute (tpm)
If rpm
or tpm
is not provided, it randomly picks a deployment
You can also set a weight
param, to specify which model should get picked when.
- RPM-based shuffling
- Weight-based shuffling
LiteLLM Proxy Config.yaml
- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: azure/chatgpt-v-2
api_key: os.environ/AZURE_API_KEY
api_version: os.environ/AZURE_API_VERSION
api_base: os.environ/AZURE_API_BASE
rpm: 900
- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: azure/chatgpt-functioncalling
api_key: os.environ/AZURE_API_KEY
api_version: os.environ/AZURE_API_VERSION
api_base: os.environ/AZURE_API_BASE
rpm: 10
Python SDK
from litellm import Router
import asyncio
model_list = [{ # list of model deployments
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # model alias
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2", # actual model name
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
"rpm": 900, # requests per minute for this API
}, {
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-functioncalling",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
"rpm": 10,
# init router
router = Router(model_list=model_list, routing_strategy="simple-shuffle")
async def router_acompletion():
response = await router.acompletion(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}]
return response
LiteLLM Proxy Config.yaml
- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: azure/chatgpt-v-2
api_key: os.environ/AZURE_API_KEY
api_version: os.environ/AZURE_API_VERSION
api_base: os.environ/AZURE_API_BASE
weight: 9
- model_name: gpt-3.5-turbo
model: azure/chatgpt-functioncalling
api_key: os.environ/AZURE_API_KEY
api_version: os.environ/AZURE_API_VERSION
api_base: os.environ/AZURE_API_BASE
weight: 1
Python SDK
from litellm import Router
import asyncio
model_list = [{
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # model alias
"litellm_params": {
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2", # actual model name
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
"weight": 9, # pick this 90% of the time
}, {
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": {
"model": "azure/chatgpt-functioncalling",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
"weight": 1,
# init router
router = Router(model_list=model_list, routing_strategy="simple-shuffle")
async def router_acompletion():
response = await router.acompletion(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}]
return response
This will route to the deployment with the lowest TPM usage for that minute.
In production, we use Redis to track usage (TPM/RPM) across multiple deployments.
If you pass in the deployment's tpm/rpm limits, this will also check against that, and filter out any who's limits would be exceeded.
For Azure, your RPM = TPM/6.
from litellm import Router
model_list = [{ # list of model deployments
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # model alias
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2", # actual model name
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE")
"tpm": 100000,
"rpm": 10000,
}, {
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-functioncalling",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE")
"tpm": 100000,
"rpm": 1000,
}, {
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
"tpm": 100000,
"rpm": 1000,
router = Router(model_list=model_list,
enable_pre_call_check=True, # enables router rate limits for concurrent calls
response = await router.acompletion(model="gpt-3.5-turbo",
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}]
Picks a deployment with the least number of ongoing calls, it's handling.
from litellm import Router
import asyncio
model_list = [{ # list of model deployments
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # model alias
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2", # actual model name
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
}, {
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-functioncalling",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
}, {
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
# init router
router = Router(model_list=model_list, routing_strategy="least-busy")
async def router_acompletion():
response = await router.acompletion(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}]
return response
Plugin a custom routing strategy to select deployments
Step 1. Define your custom routing strategy
from litellm.router import CustomRoutingStrategyBase
class CustomRoutingStrategy(CustomRoutingStrategyBase):
async def async_get_available_deployment(
model: str,
messages: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None,
input: Optional[Union[str, List]] = None,
specific_deployment: Optional[bool] = False,
request_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
Asynchronously retrieves the available deployment based on the given parameters.
model (str): The name of the model.
messages (Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]], optional): The list of messages for a given request. Defaults to None.
input (Optional[Union[str, List]], optional): The input for a given embedding request. Defaults to None.
specific_deployment (Optional[bool], optional): Whether to retrieve a specific deployment. Defaults to False.
request_kwargs (Optional[Dict], optional): Additional request keyword arguments. Defaults to None.
Returns an element from litellm.router.model_list
print("In CUSTOM async get available deployment")
model_list = router.model_list
print("router model list=", model_list)
for model in model_list:
if isinstance(model, dict):
if model["litellm_params"]["model"] == "openai/very-special-endpoint":
return model
def get_available_deployment(
model: str,
messages: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None,
input: Optional[Union[str, List]] = None,
specific_deployment: Optional[bool] = False,
request_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None,
Synchronously retrieves the available deployment based on the given parameters.
model (str): The name of the model.
messages (Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]], optional): The list of messages for a given request. Defaults to None.
input (Optional[Union[str, List]], optional): The input for a given embedding request. Defaults to None.
specific_deployment (Optional[bool], optional): Whether to retrieve a specific deployment. Defaults to False.
request_kwargs (Optional[Dict], optional): Additional request keyword arguments. Defaults to None.
Returns an element from litellm.router.model_list
Step 2. Initialize Router with custom routing strategy
from litellm import Router
router = Router(
"model_name": "azure-model",
"litellm_params": {
"model": "openai/very-special-endpoint",
"api_base": "", # If you are Krrish, this is OpenAI Endpoint3 on our Railway endpoint :)
"api_key": "fake-key",
"model_info": {"id": "very-special-endpoint"},
"model_name": "azure-model",
"litellm_params": {
"model": "openai/fast-endpoint",
"api_base": "",
"api_key": "fake-key",
"model_info": {"id": "fast-endpoint"},
) # type: ignore
router.set_custom_routing_strategy(CustomRoutingStrategy()) # 👈 Set your routing strategy here
Step 3. Test your routing strategy. Expect your custom routing strategy to be called when running router.acompletion
for _ in range(10):
response = await router.acompletion(
model="azure-model", messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "hello"}]
_picked_model_id = response._hidden_params["model_id"]
print("picked model=", _picked_model_id)
Picks a deployment based on the lowest cost
How this works:
- Get all healthy deployments
- Select all deployments that are under their provided
limits - For each deployment check if
exists inlitellm_model_cost_map
- if deployment does not exist in
-> use deployment_cost=$1
- if deployment does not exist in
- Select deployment with lowest cost
from litellm import Router
import asyncio
model_list = [
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": {"model": "gpt-4"},
"model_info": {"id": "openai-gpt-4"},
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": {"model": "groq/llama3-8b-8192"},
"model_info": {"id": "groq-llama"},
# init router
router = Router(model_list=model_list, routing_strategy="cost-based-routing")
async def router_acompletion():
response = await router.acompletion(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}]
print(response._hidden_params["model_id"]) # expect groq-llama, since groq/llama has lowest cost
return response
Using Custom Input/Output pricing
Set litellm_params["input_cost_per_token"]
and litellm_params["output_cost_per_token"]
for using custom pricing when routing
model_list = [
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": {
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2",
"input_cost_per_token": 0.00003,
"output_cost_per_token": 0.00003,
"model_info": {"id": "chatgpt-v-experimental"},
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": {
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-1",
"input_cost_per_token": 0.000000001,
"output_cost_per_token": 0.00000001,
"model_info": {"id": "chatgpt-v-1"},
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": {
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-5",
"input_cost_per_token": 10,
"output_cost_per_token": 12,
"model_info": {"id": "chatgpt-v-5"},
# init router
router = Router(model_list=model_list, routing_strategy="cost-based-routing")
async def router_acompletion():
response = await router.acompletion(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}]
print(response._hidden_params["model_id"]) # expect chatgpt-v-1, since chatgpt-v-1 has lowest cost
return response
Basic Reliability
Weighted Deployments
Set weight
on a deployment to pick one deployment more often than others.
This works across ALL routing strategies.
from litellm import Router
model_list = [
"model_name": "o1",
"litellm_params": {
"model": "o1-preview",
"api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
"weight": 1
"model_name": "o1",
"litellm_params": {
"model": "o1-preview",
"api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
"weight": 2 # 👈 PICK THIS DEPLOYMENT 2x MORE OFTEN THAN o1-preview
router = Router(model_list=model_list, routing_strategy="cost-based-routing")
response = await router.acompletion(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}]
- model_name: o1
model: o1
api_key: os.environ/OPENAI_API_KEY
weight: 1
- model_name: o1
model: o1-preview
api_key: os.environ/OPENAI_API_KEY
weight: 2 # 👈 PICK THIS DEPLOYMENT 2x MORE OFTEN THAN o1-preview
Max Parallel Requests (ASYNC)
Used in semaphore for async requests on router. Limit the max concurrent calls made to a deployment. Useful in high-traffic scenarios.
If tpm/rpm is set, and no max parallel request limit given, we use the RPM or calculated RPM (tpm/1000/6) as the max parallel request limit.
from litellm import Router
model_list = [{
"model_name": "gpt-4",
"litellm_params": {
"model": "azure/gpt-4",
"max_parallel_requests": 10 # 👈 SET PER DEPLOYMENT
### OR ###
router = Router(model_list=model_list, default_max_parallel_requests=20) # 👈 SET DEFAULT MAX PARALLEL REQUESTS
# deployment max parallel requests > default max parallel requests
Set the limit for how many calls a model is allowed to fail in a minute, before being cooled down for a minute.
from litellm import Router
model_list = [{...}]
router = Router(model_list=model_list,
allowed_fails=1, # cooldown model if it fails > 1 call in a minute.
cooldown_time=100 # cooldown the deployment for 100 seconds if it num_fails > allowed_fails
user_message = "Hello, whats the weather in San Francisco??"
messages = [{"content": user_message, "role": "user"}]
# normal call
response = router.completion(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages)
print(f"response: {response}")
Set Global Value
allowed_fails: 3 # cooldown model if it fails > 1 call in a minute.
cooldown_time: 30 # (in seconds) how long to cooldown model if fails/min > allowed_fails
- allowed_fails: 3
- cooldown_time: 5s (
Set Per Model
- model_name: fake-openai-endpoint
model: predibase/llama-3-8b-instruct
api_key: os.environ/PREDIBASE_API_KEY
tenant_id: os.environ/PREDIBASE_TENANT_ID
max_new_tokens: 256
cooldown_time: 0 # 👈 KEY CHANGE
Expected Response
No deployments available for selected model, Try again in 60 seconds. Passed model=claude-3-5-sonnet. pre-call-checks=False, allowed_model_region=n/a.
Disable cooldowns
from litellm import Router
router = Router(..., disable_cooldowns=True)
disable_cooldowns: True
For both async + sync functions, we support retrying failed requests.
For RateLimitError we implement exponential backoffs
For generic errors, we retry immediately
Here's a quick look at how we can set num_retries = 3
from litellm import Router
model_list = [{...}]
router = Router(model_list=model_list,
user_message = "Hello, whats the weather in San Francisco??"
messages = [{"content": user_message, "role": "user"}]
# normal call
response = router.completion(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages)
print(f"response: {response}")
We also support setting minimum time to wait before retrying a failed request. This is via the retry_after
from litellm import Router
model_list = [{...}]
router = Router(model_list=model_list,
num_retries=3, retry_after=5) # waits min 5s before retrying request
user_message = "Hello, whats the weather in San Francisco??"
messages = [{"content": user_message, "role": "user"}]
# normal call
response = router.completion(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages)
print(f"response: {response}")
[Advanced]: Custom Retries, Cooldowns based on Error Type
- Use
if you want to set anum_retries
based on the Exception received - Use
to set a custom number ofallowed_fails
/minute before cooling down a deployment
retry_policy = RetryPolicy(
ContentPolicyViolationErrorRetries=3, # run 3 retries for ContentPolicyViolationErrors
AuthenticationErrorRetries=0, # run 0 retries for AuthenticationErrorRetries
allowed_fails_policy = AllowedFailsPolicy(
ContentPolicyViolationErrorAllowedFails=1000, # Allow 1000 ContentPolicyViolationError before cooling down a deployment
RateLimitErrorAllowedFails=100, # Allow 100 RateLimitErrors before cooling down a deployment
Example Usage
from litellm.router import RetryPolicy, AllowedFailsPolicy
retry_policy = RetryPolicy(
ContentPolicyViolationErrorRetries=3, # run 3 retries for ContentPolicyViolationErrors
AuthenticationErrorRetries=0, # run 0 retries for AuthenticationErrorRetries
allowed_fails_policy = AllowedFailsPolicy(
ContentPolicyViolationErrorAllowedFails=1000, # Allow 1000 ContentPolicyViolationError before cooling down a deployment
RateLimitErrorAllowedFails=100, # Allow 100 RateLimitErrors before cooling down a deployment
router = litellm.Router(
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # openai model name
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
"model_name": "bad-model", # openai model name
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2",
"api_key": "bad-key",
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
response = await router.acompletion(
retry_policy: {
"BadRequestErrorRetries": 3,
"ContentPolicyViolationErrorRetries": 4
allowed_fails_policy: {
"ContentPolicyViolationErrorAllowedFails": 1000, # Allow 1000 ContentPolicyViolationError before cooling down a deployment
"RateLimitErrorAllowedFails": 100 # Allow 100 RateLimitErrors before cooling down a deployment
In production, we recommend using a Redis cache. For quickly testing things locally, we also support simple in-memory caching.
In-memory Cache
router = Router(model_list=model_list,
Redis Cache
router = Router(model_list=model_list,
Pass in Redis URL, additional kwargs
router = Router(model_list: Optional[list] = None,
cache_kwargs= {}, # additional kwargs to pass to RedisCache (see
Pre-Call Checks (Context Window, EU-Regions)
Enable pre-call checks to filter out:
- deployments with context window limit < messages for a call.
- deployments outside of eu-region
- Proxy
1. Enable pre-call checks
from litellm import Router
# ...
router = Router(model_list=model_list, enable_pre_call_checks=True) # 👈 Set to True
2. Set Model List
For context window checks on azure deployments, set the base model. Pick the base model from this list, all the azure models start with azure/
For 'eu-region' filtering, Set 'region_name' of deployment.
Note: We automatically infer region_name for Vertex AI, Bedrock, and IBM WatsonxAI based on your litellm params. For Azure, set litellm.enable_preview = True
model_list = [
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # model group name
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
"region_name": "eu" # 👈 SET 'EU' REGION NAME
"base_model": "azure/gpt-35-turbo", # 👈 (Azure-only) SET BASE MODEL
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # model group name
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106",
"api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
"model_name": "gemini-pro",
"litellm_params: {
"model": "vertex_ai/gemini-pro-1.5",
"vertex_project": "adroit-crow-1234",
"vertex_location": "us-east1" # 👈 AUTOMATICALLY INFERS 'region_name'
router = Router(model_list=model_list, enable_pre_call_checks=True)
3. Test it!
- Context Window Check
- EU Region Check
- Give a gpt-3.5-turbo model group with different context windows (4k vs. 16k)
- Send a 5k prompt
- Assert it works
from litellm import Router
import os
model_list = [
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # model group name
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
"base_model": "azure/gpt-35-turbo",
"model_info": {
"base_model": "azure/gpt-35-turbo",
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # model group name
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106",
"api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
router = Router(model_list=model_list, enable_pre_call_checks=True)
text = "What is the meaning of 42?" * 5000
response = router.completion(
{"role": "system", "content": text},
{"role": "user", "content": "Who was Alexander?"},
print(f"response: {response}")
- Give 2 gpt-3.5-turbo deployments, in eu + non-eu regions
- Make a call
- Assert it picks the eu-region model
from litellm import Router
import os
model_list = [
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # model group name
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
"region_name": "eu"
"model_info": {
"id": "1"
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo", # model group name
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-1106",
"api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
"model_info": {
"id": "2"
router = Router(model_list=model_list, enable_pre_call_checks=True)
response = router.completion(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Who was Alexander?"}],
print(f"response: {response}")
print(f"response id: {response._hidden_params['model_id']}")
Go here for how to do this on the proxy
Caching across model groups
If you want to cache across 2 different model groups (e.g. azure deployments, and openai), use caching groups.
import litellm, asyncio, time
from litellm import Router
# set os env
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = ""
os.environ["AZURE_API_KEY"] = ""
os.environ["AZURE_API_BASE"] = ""
os.environ["AZURE_API_VERSION"] = ""
async def test_acompletion_caching_on_router_caching_groups():
# tests acompletion + caching on router
litellm.set_verbose = True
model_list = [
"model_name": "openai-gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": {
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0613",
"api_key": os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY"),
"model_name": "azure-gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": {
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION")
messages = [
{"role": "user", "content": f"write a one sentence poem {time.time()}?"}
start_time = time.time()
router = Router(model_list=model_list,
caching_groups=[("openai-gpt-3.5-turbo", "azure-gpt-3.5-turbo")])
response1 = await router.acompletion(model="openai-gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages, temperature=1)
print(f"response1: {response1}")
await asyncio.sleep(1) # add cache is async, async sleep for cache to get set
response2 = await router.acompletion(model="azure-gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages, temperature=1)
assert ==
assert len(response1.choices[0].message.content) > 0
assert response1.choices[0].message.content == response2.choices[0].message.content
except Exception as e:
Alerting 🚨
Send alerts to slack / your webhook url for the following events
- LLM API Exceptions
- Slow LLM Responses
Get a slack webhook url from
Initialize an AlertingConfig
and pass it to litellm.Router
. The following code will trigger an alert because api_key=bad-key
which is invalid
from litellm.router import AlertingConfig
import litellm
import os
router = litellm.Router(
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"litellm_params": {
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"api_key": "bad_key",
alerting_config= AlertingConfig(
alerting_threshold=10, # threshold for slow / hanging llm responses (in seconds). Defaults to 300 seconds
webhook_url= os.getenv("SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL") # webhook you want to send alerts to
await router.acompletion(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "Hey, how's it going?"}],
Track cost for Azure Deployments
Problem: Azure returns gpt-4
in the response when azure/gpt-4-1106-preview
is used. This leads to inaccurate cost tracking
Solution ✅ : Set model_info["base_model"]
on your router init so litellm uses the correct model for calculating azure cost
Step 1. Router Setup
from litellm import Router
model_list = [
{ # list of model deployments
"model_name": "gpt-4-preview", # model alias
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-v-2", # actual model name
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE")
"model_info": {
"base_model": "azure/gpt-4-1106-preview" # azure/gpt-4-1106-preview will be used for cost tracking, ensure this exists in litellm model_prices_and_context_window.json
"model_name": "gpt-4-32k",
"litellm_params": { # params for litellm completion/embedding call
"model": "azure/chatgpt-functioncalling",
"api_key": os.getenv("AZURE_API_KEY"),
"api_version": os.getenv("AZURE_API_VERSION"),
"api_base": os.getenv("AZURE_API_BASE")
"model_info": {
"base_model": "azure/gpt-4-32k" # azure/gpt-4-32k will be used for cost tracking, ensure this exists in litellm model_prices_and_context_window.json
router = Router(model_list=model_list)
Step 2. Access response_cost
in the custom callback, litellm calculates the response cost for you
import litellm
from litellm.integrations.custom_logger import CustomLogger
class MyCustomHandler(CustomLogger):
def log_success_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time):
print(f"On Success")
response_cost = kwargs.get("response_cost")
print("response_cost=", response_cost)
customHandler = MyCustomHandler()
litellm.callbacks = [customHandler]
# router completion call
response = router.completion(
messages=[{ "role": "user", "content": "Hi who are you"}]
Default litellm.completion/embedding params
You can also set default params for litellm completion/embedding calls. Here's how to do that:
from litellm import Router
fallback_dict = {"gpt-3.5-turbo": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"}
router = Router(model_list=model_list,
default_litellm_params={"context_window_fallback_dict": fallback_dict})
user_message = "Hello, whats the weather in San Francisco??"
messages = [{"content": user_message, "role": "user"}]
# normal call
response = router.completion(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages)
print(f"response: {response}")
Custom Callbacks - Track API Key, API Endpoint, Model Used
If you need to track the api_key, api endpoint, model, custom_llm_provider used for each completion call, you can setup a custom callback
import litellm
from litellm.integrations.custom_logger import CustomLogger
class MyCustomHandler(CustomLogger):
def log_success_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time):
print(f"On Success")
print("kwargs=", kwargs)
litellm_params= kwargs.get("litellm_params")
api_key = litellm_params.get("api_key")
api_base = litellm_params.get("api_base")
custom_llm_provider= litellm_params.get("custom_llm_provider")
response_cost = kwargs.get("response_cost")
# print the values
print("api_key=", api_key)
print("api_base=", api_base)
print("custom_llm_provider=", custom_llm_provider)
print("response_cost=", response_cost)
def log_failure_event(self, kwargs, response_obj, start_time, end_time):
print(f"On Failure")
customHandler = MyCustomHandler()
litellm.callbacks = [customHandler]
# Init Router
router = Router(model_list=model_list, routing_strategy="simple-shuffle")
# router completion call
response = router.completion(
messages=[{ "role": "user", "content": "Hi who are you"}]
Deploy Router
If you want a server to load balance across different LLM APIs, use our LiteLLM Proxy Server
Debugging Router
Basic Debugging
Set Router(set_verbose=True)
from litellm import Router
router = Router(
Detailed Debugging
Set Router(set_verbose=True,debug_level="DEBUG")
from litellm import Router
router = Router(
debug_level="DEBUG" # defaults to INFO
Very Detailed Debugging
Set litellm.set_verbose=True
and Router(set_verbose=True,debug_level="DEBUG")
from litellm import Router
import litellm
litellm.set_verbose = True
router = Router(
debug_level="DEBUG" # defaults to INFO
Router General Settings
router = Router(model_list=..., router_general_settings=RouterGeneralSettings(async_only_mode=True))
class RouterGeneralSettings(BaseModel):
async_only_mode: bool = Field(
) # this will only initialize async clients. Good for memory utils
pass_through_all_models: bool = Field(
) # if passed a model not llm_router model list, pass through the request to litellm.acompletion/embedding